Northwest Nude News 09/14/2018

Success – Case Dismissed!

The citation against John Brower, past president of the SLUGS, for being nude at this year’s World Naked Bike Ride in Houston was dismissed at Houston Municipal Court on Thursday morning. John’s lawyer had filed a motion to quash, from which the judge ruled to dismiss. AANR-NW had voted to support John financially, making sure that John knew that they had his back.

For more information about this case, see

Final 2018 nude beach clean-ups set for September 22 and 23.

AANR-NW Beach clean-up volunteers were honored this year as recipients of the AANR Government Affairs award for their dedication. Please join us for the final nude beach clean-up events of 2018!

Saturday, September 22 at 10:00 a.m. at Rooster Rock State Park.

This is a clothing optional event, if you are cleaning in the nude area. It is highly suggested that you wear foot coverings and sun screen. Hats are also recommended if it is very bright. Bring work gloves if you have them.

All tools and clean-up bags will be furnished. We will be working with the Rooster Rock park staff. The Park Ranger Supervisor will have a list of projects that includes light to heavy work.

Volunteers do not have to pay the day use fee. Tell the person in the registration booth that you are there for the clean-up. When registering, you may receive a card to put in your window. Meet at the east end of the parking lot near the restrooms.

The main focus is widening of the trails to the beach with secondary focus of litter clean-up. The clean-up should not last longer than around three hours, and will be followed by a hot dog barbeque. AANR-NW will provide cold water, sugar free lemonade, hot dogs, buns and trimmings and some other snacks. There will also be some free t-shirts or small sitting towels for volunteers.

The temperature is predicted in the 70’s. Please do not leave any items visible in your car. The only restrooms accessible from the nude beach are located near the parking area. The Columbia Gorge Express bus ($5 round trip) goes from the Gateway Transit Center to Rooster Rock and on to Multnomah Falls. Details at:

Meet at east end of parking lot – Exit 25 off of I-84, Rooster Rock State Park. there is no parking charge for volunteers. Sign up on-line for this at

Sunday, September 23 – Sauvie Island-Collins Beach – clean-up at 1:00 p.m.

Please be aware this is a clothing-optional beach.

We will concentrate our efforts on the gravel road parking area and litter sweeps of the beach area. Meet on the beach near the third beach opening. Those cleaning the parking area must remain clothed. Restrooms are close and located in the parking area.

A hot dog barbeque and potluck will be held at around 3:30 p.m.

A parking pass is usually required and can be purchased at the store or deli after crossing the bridge to the island. Contact for an e-mailed Collins beach parking pass or further details on these events.

Be sure to bring gardening work gloves (if you have them), a hat and sunscreen and perhaps a water bottle. As mentioned, we will have cold water and sugar free lemonade. The temperature is predicted to be in the 70’s. Again, there will also be some free t-shirts or small sitting towels for volunteers.

Meet at the third beach trail opening after leaving paved road on Reeder road, we will set up on the beach after 1:00 p.m.

Sign up on-line for this at

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Northwest Nude News 09/07/2018

AANR-NW Award Winning Volunteers

Three honor awards were given at the AANR-NW convention at Squaw Mountain Ranch in July.

The first two awards were member of the year. This award is given to an AANR-NW member for their contribution in promoting and/or furthering nudism at the regional level during the previous calendar year.

2018 AANR-NW Members of the Year are:

Terri Capshaw from Sun Meadow

Terri has been a member of both AANR and AANR-NW for over 33 years.

During this time she has helped co-ordinate and run the children’s activity tent at both the AANR and AANR-NW conventions along with her husband, Mike Capshaw.

She has served as AANR-NW Treasurer since 2010 when she was elected to the office.

In addition to these duties, she functions as a co-owner of Sun Meadow Family Nudist Resort since 2008. She officiates both the volleyball and bocce ball tournaments as well as acting as a weekend exercise guru with her morning walks and yoga classes.

Additionally, Terri received the President’s Meritorious Award from Karen Lahey in 2016 for support above and beyond the normal expectations of her position.

Terri sits on and contributes to the AANR Membership Management system Selection Committee which is in the process of replacing the database in the AANR office.

Therefore, I respectfully submit that Terri Capshaw be considered and recognized for her many hours of service and dedication to AANR-NW as a nominee for Member of the Year.

Mike Parker from Hidden Springs

Over the years, Mike has continued to contribute to AANR-NW in many ways. He is our librarian and spends many, many hours archiving our history at the library at the Willamettans. He is our Public Lands Liaison and works to make nudism safe in the wild.

In particular, in the last year, Mike organized the Travel Club Event in March. This event brought together members from most of our travel clubs and one of our landed clubs. It highlights the best of AANR-NW in that it shows how our clubs work and play together. We want to recognize his effort in pulling this together.

AANR-NW Presidential Award

Donna Jennings from Sun Meadow

Each year, the regional president may choose a recipient of the AANR-NW Presidential Award. This year’s award goes to Donna Jennings for her work as Vice-President and other work to support the region and the president.

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Northwest Nude News 08/31/2018

From the President’s Desk

Are you a good listener? Can you hear “both sides” of an issue? I’m looking for people to train with T Price for the Internal Affairs position on the AANR-NW Board team. While this is not a frequently called on job, it is vital when needed. If this piques your interest, please contact me with some information about you and your background that you think may make you right for this job.

Write to Dave Smith

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Northwest Nude News 08/24/2018


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2018 AANR-NW Photography Winners

The winners of the 2018 AANR-NW Photography Contest were selected at the AANR-NW Convention at Squaw Mt Ranch on July 22, 2018. There were entries in all categories and active participation in the voting. Interest was great enough that it is likely that this was the first annual contest and there will be another contest next year. Stay tuned, the decision will be made at the upcoming AANR-NW Fall Board Meeting.

And now for the winners.

The grand prize winner was: SunMeadow2 – by Bob Timbers (who was awarded a prize of $150)

This picture also took 1st place in the “At Your Club” Category with a prize of $75.

1st place in the “On the Beach” Category with a prize of $75 went to Andee Rodgers for “A day at the Beach”.

1st place in the “Other” Category with a prize of $75 went to Shirley Gauthier for “AWWWWW”

1st place in the “In the Woods” Category with a prize of $75 went to Mark Gauthier for “Free!”

1st Place in the “Nude, but not Nude” Category with a prize of $75 went to Andee Rodgers for “Reflections of an Angel”

In the Northwest 08/24/2018 – 08/30/2018

Friday 8/24

Saturday 8/25

Sunday 8/26

Wednesday 8/29

In the Northwest 08/31/2018 – 09/06/2018

Friday 8/31

Saturday 9/1

  • Ron’s Ribs – 5:00pm – Bare Mountain Retreat
  • Activities – LARC
    • Grill Lunch – 12:00pm
    • Outside Games – 2:00pm
    • Toga Dance – 7:30pm
  • Activities- Kaniksu Family Ranch
    • Board Meeting – 1:00pm
    • Membership Meeting – 7:00pm
  • Activities – Sun Meadow Resort
    • Sports Event
    • Potluck Patio Party – 4:30pm
    • DJ Dance
  • Activities – Lake Bronson
    • BARE*IT Arts Festival
    • Theme Potluck – 7:00pm –
  • Activities – Willamettans
    • Sunshine Festival
    • Karaoke – 7:30pm

Sunday 9/2

Monday 9/3

  • Sunshine Festival – Willamettans
  • Breakfast – 8:00am – LARC
  • Activities – Lake Bronson
    • BARE*IT Arts Festival
    • Golf Game – 10:00am
    • Black Light Glow Theme Dance

Wednesday 9/5

In the Northwest 09/07/2018 – 09/13/2018

Friday 9/7

Saturday 9/8

Sunday 9/9

Wednesday 9/12

In the Northwest 09/14/2018 – 09/20/2018

Friday 9/14

Saturday 9/15

Sunday 9/16

Wednesday 9/19

In the Northwest 09/21/2018 – 09/27/2018

Friday 9/21

Saturday 9/22

Sunday 9/23

Wednesday 9/26

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Northwest Nude News 08/17/2018

AANR-NW Beach Volunteers win
Alonzo Stephens Government Affairs Award 2018

This year, the AANR-NW beach volunteers were awarded the Alonzo Stephens Government Affairs Award.

The nomination for this award stated:
Over fifteen years volunteers have built up and maintained a positive relationship with the Oregon State Parks Department, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and SOLVE. SOLVE is a statewide, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to bring Oregonians together to improve our environment and build a legacy of stewardship. We are dedicated to developing relationships among different groups, individuals, and businesses in pursuit of a common goal: to protect and preserve the places that make up our uniquely beautiful home. SOLVE mobilizes one of Oregon’s largest volunteer networks to clean up our beaches, parks, neighborhoods, and other natural spaces through litter cleanups, invasive plant removal, planting native trees and shrubs, and other environmental projects. We annually support nearly 30,000 volunteers in 900 projects throughout the state.

It would be impossible to nominate one person or even a handful for this award. So many have contributed to the success and longevity.

Accomplishments include-

Officially hold the Oregon State Park adoption at Rooster Rock State Park since 2003. This requires two beach cleanups every year to maintain the adoption contract.
Officially adopted Sauvie Island (Collins) Nude Beach and Rooster Rock State Park with the SOLVE adopt a river program. This adoption requires two cleanups a year to maintain.
Contributed over $300 to finance a welcome bench built by a Multnomah County Sheriff and chair of Friends of the Gorge who later became a member of AANR and Sun Meadow Resort.
Contributed over $400 to finance additional signage over the years.
Attended the Oregon State Parks Volunteer Appreciation potluck at Rooster Rock and shared AANR highlights.
Presented a discussion about appropriate behaviors to camp hosts and park employees. used our work at Rooster Rock for their national ad campaign one year.
A group of AANR members attended the SOLVE volunteer appreciation events.
Oregon Parks and Recreation District Manager Kevin Price attended a Fall Board Meeting at the Willamettans to thank volunteers for their commitment and volunteerism.
SOLVE sent an employee to speak at two regional meetings concerning the Adopt-A-River program.
SOLVE used our ‘nude but not nude” photo on their website after a state wide cleanup.
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Sheriff attended and spoke at a regional meeting held at the Willamettans.
2004 AANR Adopt-A-Park signage was installed at Rooster Rock State Park.
2008-Participated in a meeting to strategize a plan to address public indecency at Rooster Rock. This meeting was held at a local fire hall. Those in attendance included Oregon State Parks Dept., Oregon State Police, Multnomah Sheriff’s, Friends of the Gorge, District Attorney, and members of AANR.
2009-A suggestion that a beach card with information would be a valuable tool motivated Park Rangers and local GAT volunteers to create one.
2009-Beach cards are printed and Park Rangers began handing them out in the summer. Several thousands of cards have been financed by AANR-NW members.
AANR-NW secured Thousands of tree saplings from Lava Nursery in Hood River to supply Rooster Rock tree planting events. Members also participated in the tree planting events.
AANR-NW has supplied to many AANR dogs (hot dogs) to count, condiments and bottle water over the past 15 years. Dues paying make these beach meals happen.

Beach Volunteers-

Removed invasive species
Built trails
Maintained trails
Litter removal
Sand removal
Planted trees
Passed out beach cards
Worked the information table during events

Park Ranger Supervisor, West Gorge MU., Glenn Littrell said “no specific number count is taken of those visiting the nude beach in the summer but he knows it is hundreds.” That means that hundreds of visitors view that AANR adoption signage. American Association for Nude Recreation is spelled out and the acronym is not used on the signage.

AANR-NW affiliated clubs and resorts have donated cash, raffle prizes, free resort and camping passes, t-shirts, prepared free meals for volunteers, published beach events in their newsletters and much much more.

Now, you too can be an AANR-NW Beach Volunteer

Saturday, August 25 at 10:00 a.m. at Rooster Rock State Park. This is a clothing optional event, if you are cleaning in the nude area. It is highly suggested that you wear foot coverings and sun screen. Hats are also recommended if it is very bright. Bring work gloves if you have them. All tools and clean-up bags will be furnished. We will be working with the Rooster Rock park staff. The Park Ranger Supervisor will have a list of projects that includes light to heavy work. On-line sign-up is here:
Volunteers do not have to pay the day use fee. Tell the person in the registration booth that you are there for the clean-up. When registering, you may receive a card to put in your window. Meet at the east end of the parking lot near the restrooms. The clean-up should not last longer than around three hours, and will be followed by a hot dog barbeque. AANR-NW will provide cold water, sugar free lemonade, hot dogs, buns and trimmings and some other snacks. Please do not leave any items of value visible in your car. The only restrooms accessible from the nude beach are located near the parking area. The Columbia Gorge Express bus ($5 round trip) goes from the Gateway Transit Center to Rooster Rock and on to Multnomah Falls. Details at:
Sunday, August 26 – Sauvie Island-Collins Beach – clean-up at 1:00 p.m. – A parking pass is usually required and can be purchased at the store or deli after crossing the bridge to the island. SOLVE has been able to get us some free day-of-event passes for those that volunteer. Contact the public lands coordinator for info below. Restrooms are close and located in the parking area. We will concentrate our efforts on the gravel road parking area and litter sweeps of the beach area. Meet on the beach near the third beach opening. Those cleaning the parking area must remain clothed. A hot dog barbeque and potluck will be held at around 3:30 p.m. Contact for an e-mailed Collins beach parking pass or further details on these events . Be sure to bring gardening work gloves (if you have them) , a hat and sunscreen and perhaps a water bottle. As mentioned, we will have cold water and sugar free lemonade. On-line sign-up is here:

Volunteers will be given a free t-shirt each day they volunteer. One free visitor’s pass to The Willamettans nudist resort will be given out to each volunteer. The certificate entitles each volunteer to three free days and two nights on any campsite or rv site. Only one of these will be given out to each volunteer over the weekend.

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Northwest Nude News 08/10/2018

Squaw Mountain Music Fest 2018

Every summer on the third full weekend in August Squaw Mountain Ranch in Estacada, Oregon, hosts the finest clothing optional music festival west of the Mississippi and possibly in the country. This year’s festival runs from Thursday, August 16th, through the following Sunday afternoon and features eleven different bands, including Norm Sylvester, Lisa Mann, Saturated Phats, the Mike Branch Band and seven more. Enjoy the music and the club’s many amenities – miniature golf, disk golf, bocce ball, horseshoes, volleyball, pool, ping pong, darts, the hot tubs, sauna, and Lake Opal, all for $30 per person per day ($15 on Thursday) plus camping fees ($10 per night plus $3 for electricity). Meals will also be available in our Snack Bare from Thursday dinner through Sunday lunch so you can spend all your time enjoying the weekend.

For more information, including directions, a complete list of the bands, and a registration form, visit our web site at And if you register for at least Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and pay in full, postmarked by August 1, you’ll get a $9 per person discount on registration fees. Questions? Just call the ranch at 503-630-6136

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Northwest Nude News 08/03/2018

AANR-NW Rooster Rock/Sauvie Island Nude Beach Clean-ups August 25 and 26

AANR-NW has continued to be beach adopters for the two legal nude beaches in Oregon as well as Rooster Rock State Park itself. As such, two beach litter clean-ups must be scheduled each year to fulfill the agreement. For a few years, the water was extremely high for the first one, to the point that even the trails were under water. We have been told the water is down and the beaches will be clear. We will be coordinating with Oregon State Parks, Oregon Fish and Wildlife and SOLVE on these clean-ups. SOLVE on-line sign-ups will soon be set up or sign-in at the event.

See below for more info!

Saturday, August 25 at 10:00 a.m. at Rooster Rock State Park. This is a clothing optional event, if you are cleaning in the nude area. It is highly suggested that you wear foot coverings and sun screen. Hats are also recommended if it is very bright. Bring work gloves if you have them. All tools and clean-up bags will be furnished. We will be working with the Rooster Rock park staff. The Park Ranger Supervisor will have a list of projects that includes light to heavy work.

Volunteers do not have to pay the day use fee. Tell the person in the registration booth that you are there for the clean-up. When registering, you may receive a card to put in your window. Meet at the east end of the parking lot near the restrooms. The clean-up should not last longer than around three hours, and will be followed by a hot dog barbecue. AANR-NW will provide cold water, sugar free lemonade, hot dogs, buns and trimmings and some other snacks. Please do not leave any items visible in your car. The only restrooms accessible from the nude beach are located near the parking area. The Columbia Gorge Express bus ($5 round trip) goes from the Gateway Transit Center to Rooster Rock and on to Multnomah Falls. Details at:

Sunday, August 26 – Sauvie Island-Collins Beach – clean-up at 1:00 p.m. – A parking pass is usually required and can be purchased at the store or deli after crossing the bridge to the island. SOLVE has been able to get us some free day-of-event passes for those that volunteer. Contact the public lands coordinator for info below. Restrooms are close and located in the parking area. We will concentrate our efforts on the gravel road parking area and litter sweeps of the beach area. Meet on the beach near the third beach opening. Those cleaning the parking area must remain clothed. A hot dog barbecue and potluck will be held at around 3:30 p.m. Contact for further details on these events and on how to get a Collins Beach parking pass. Be sure to bring gardening work gloves (if you have them) , a hat and sunscreen and perhaps a water bottle. As mentioned, we will have cold water and sugar free lemonade.

Free admittance and camping passes to The Willamettans nudist resort will be given out to those that help (one per person) at these events, and there will giveaways of free t-shirts and other items at both clean-ups to participants.

Please consider coming out to assist. Contact for more info. Future updates will be posted!

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Northwest Nude News  07/19/2018

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AANR-NW Convention and General Assembly

Starting on July 19th, Squaw Mt Ranch is hosting the AANR-NW Convention with a celebration of their 85th Birthday –  The party continues until  Sunday, July 22. Grounds fees are $10 per day per person. Camp sites cost $10 per night and RV spaces with electricity and water are $13 per night.   The snack bar will be open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner starting on Thursday evening.

Come join in for a fabulous weekend of fun. Enjoy a live band, dancing in the buff, karaoke, poker night, disc golf, wine and beer tasting, fantastic food, and so much more.

On Saturday and Sunday, in addition to the other fun activities, you are also invited to participate in the AANR-NW meetings.  The forums and committee reports are on Saturday  and the general assembly is on Sunday morning.  This weekend is about you, the AANR member.  It differs from the Spring and Fall board meetings.  It is a member’s meeting  Clubs are represented by delegates selected by their respective clubs.  During this weekend, we will be selecting officers for the next two years, voting on a bylaw change capping the legal fund and selecting the location for the convention in 2020.  It is during this weekend that a director is selected from among the associate AANR members to represent the associates for the coming two years.  However, we will discussing many other topics, including any that you want to talk about.  Come bring your ideas and questions.  Your are wanted.. 




In the Northwest  07/20/2018 – 07/26/2018








In the Northwest 07/27/2018 –  08/02/2018







In the Northwest 08/03/2018 – 08/09/2018




  • Annual SunFest – Mountaindale
  • Rustic Days – Lake Bronson
    • Theme Potluck – 7:00pm
    • Western Dance – 8:30pm
  • Activities – LARC
    • Breakfast – 8:00am
    • Highway Clean Up – 10:00am
    • Block party – 5:00pm
  • Activities – Sun Meadow Resort
    • Name Your Game
    • Potluck Mezzanine Party – 4:30pm
  • Karaoke- 7:30pm – Willamettans






In the Northwest 08/10/2018 – 08/16/2018







In the Northwest 08/17/2018 – 08/23/2018



  • 24th Annual Music Festival – Squaw Mountain Ranch
  • Activities – Sun Meadow Resort
    • Bike Ride
    • Potluck Patio Party – 4:30pm
    • Casino Night
  • Open House- Kaniksu
  • Activities – LARC
    • Black Tie and Heels Dinner – 5:00pm
    • Black Tie and Heels Dance – 7:00pm
  • Theme Potluck -7:00pm – Lake Bronson
  • Activities – Willamettans
    • Annual Progressive Dinner & Meeting – 5:00pm
    • Karaoke – 7:30pm



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Northwest Nude News 07/12/2018

Northwest Nude News
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Former SLUGS President Ticketed at WNBR for Mere Nudity

John Brower, a past president of the SLUGS (Sun Lovers Under Gray Skies), was ticketed for “disorderly conduct – exposure” at the WNBR  (World Naked Bike Ride) in Houston, and the charge was later increased to indecent exposure, even though the DA apparently stated that the activity didn’t rise to the level of indecent exposure.  John was the president of the SLUGS in the early 2000s, and moved to Houston about ten years ago to be with his new wife and to take a new job .  He first participated in the WNBR in Seattle.  Since moving to Houston, his major nudist community has been with the WNBR folks.  This ride was the 8th annual WNBR in Houston and he was on the planning committee. This ride was well advertised.  While clothed in a sarong, he was ticketed in the parking lot before his ride even began because of a complaint.  The complaints were specifically about nude men.  No one else was ticketed, even though there were nude women, and John wore a sarong through most of the event since he was the trailing rider  On his lawyer’s suggestion, he pleaded not guilty to the charge of indecent exposure.  This ride was a protest for body freedom, cyclist vulnerability, and against oil dependency.  We can support John in his fight by donating to a fund that will help cover his attorney funds at 



AANR-NW Photography Contest –

July 19-July 22  AANR-NW Convention –



In the Northwest 07/13/2018 – 07/19/2018





In the Northwest  07/20/2018 – 07/26/2018








In the Northwest 07/27/2018 –  08/02/2018







In the Northwest 08/03/2018 – 08/09/2018




  • Annual SunFest – Mountaindale
  • Rustic Days – Lake Bronson
    • Theme Potluck – 7:00pm
    • Western Dance – 8:30pm
  • Activities – LARC
    • Breakfast – 8:00am
    • Highway Clean Up – 10:00am
    • Block party – 5:00pm
  • Activities – Sun Meadow Resort
    • Name Your Game
    • Potluck Mezzanine Party – 4:30pm
  • Karaoke- 7:30pm – Willamettans






In the Northwest 08/10/2018 – 08/16/2018







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