2018 AANR Elections
Soon, AANR members will receive their May bulletins. If you were an AANR member on March 15, 2018, you will receive instructions on how to vote in the upcoming AANR elections. If you do not, call the AANR office at 1-800-TRY-NUDE. You can download the voter’s guide from your member’s account on AANR.com or click this link.
You are encouraged to vote. In years past, less than 10% of the AANR membership has chosen its leadership. Your vote counts. Please take the time to vote.
Candidates were also invited to submit a statement to our newsletter in order to reach out to you, so this is a longer than usual email. Candidates that responded are presented in alphabetical order for each position.
Tim Mullins Candidate for AANR President 2018
I feel my election to the office of AANR President will be a step toward raising AANR’s credibility as the leader of the nude recreation movement.
- Eight years as GAT Chair
- Six years as AANR Member Trustee
- Four years on AANR West Board of Directors
- Local club president and officer
- Newsletter Editor
- Meet with local government leaders.
- Help Federal liaisons work in D. C.
- Foster Regional GAT teams maintaining our local effectiveness.
- Revitalize the Community Action Teams
- Renewed membership growth is important. But we also need to discuss other issues that we should be concerned about as nudists.
- An emphasis back on local action including more booths and increased contacts at local, state and regional events that involve outdoor activities and recreation in general.
- AANR must continue to be at the forefront of draft legislation that advocates nude use. Build on the past with a vision for a stronger future
- We need leaders who will provide the vision for AANR as the leading organization of the nude recreation movement it should be.
- We need to have confidence in our office’s ability to meet the demands for documents and support, and to respond to opportunities that arise throughout the year to promote nude recreation.
Kathy Watzel Candidate for AANR President 2018

Kathy has been a nudist all her life and a member of AANR since 1991. For 21 years Kathy has supported her home club Mountain Air Ranch in Colorado by serving as a member of the Board of Directors. She has assisted in writing and presenting proposals for MAR to state and county government offices to assure the club’s future. During her years as a member of MAR, Kathy planned and organized hundreds of activities which included planning dances, sporting events, a kids camp, writing articles, interviewing and hiring club managers, and working on yearly budgets.
Kathy has served on the AANR board for the past six years, and has served as Planning Chair, Strategic Planning Chair and as a member of the Budget Committee. Through Kathy’s direction the Planning Committee has tackled tough issues. The committee has discussed and worked on developing a better process for helping clubs that have dropped below minimum membership levels, and discussed increasing reimbursement for Trustee expenses. Most recently the committee developed Proposition Statement #2 to reduce the current Trustee numbers from 14 to seven members. As Strategic Planning Chair, Kathy conducted a study to determine if AANR should sell the office property or continue to own the building. Through her leadership it was decided to maintain ownership which led to the remodel of the AANR building.
She was awarded the President’s Meritorious Service Award in 2016 for her ability to complete projects she was assigned.
The issues Kathy wants to focus on during this term as President are:
Protect nudist freedoms for the future
Continue to promote and defend the nudist lifestyle
Complete the auto renew process
Improve membership retention
Conduct young nudist forums
Continue to increase public acceptance
Promote Woman in Nude Recreation (WINR)
For more information, please see http://www.kathywatzel.com
Karen Lahey Candidate for AANR Member Trustee – Northwest
I have been a member of AANR since 1998 and joined AANR-NW when I moved to the Northwest in 2004. Since then, I have served in the region as a member of the Board of Directors, as Vice President and as President. As Digital Communications Chair, I created the program to provide free web services that are available for all of our clubs. I have been the editor and publisher of the Nude News for the last 10 years. The purpose of this publication is to remind nudists of why we need AANR, that our freedom to be nude must be protected. Currently, I am the chair of the AANR committee to replace the membership management software package that AANR has been using for decades. We want to replace this software to make it easier for clubs to manage memberships and to give the office more time to generate excitement for new members. I also serve on the board of the AANR Education Foundation.
While serving AANR-NW, I have been awarded the AANR Woman of the Year Award, the AANR Presidential Meritorious Service Award twice, the AANR-NW Woman of the Year Award twice, and the AANR-NW Presidential Meritorious Service Award.
We have many important issues facing us. We need to find a new Executive Director. We need to continue to retain and grow our membership. We need to protect nudism from those that wish to restrict our freedom. We need to promote and normalize nudism. We need to find ways for all members to feel safe within nudist venues. To do this, we must figure out who we are and what we stand for as an organization. If we don’t, how we can plan for the future? Let’s get clarity on who we are and then let’s build the organization to fit it.
I listen. I lead by example. I bring people together. I am a problem solver. I come up with innovative solutions. And I follow through. I ask for your vote so that I can work for AANR like I have worked for AANR-NW.
For more information, please see http://www.karenlahey.com
Richard Patterson Candidate for AANR Member Trustee – Northwest
Currently: AANR-Northwest Director (Representing the Willamettans) and Activities Chair for the Willamettans for six years.
In the early nineties I was very beneficial in raising funds for a food bank in Sonoma County, CA called Food For Thought.
I owned and ran my own business for 35 years, and was hands on all aspects of the business, hiring and firing employees, buying merchandise, and promoting sales, and dealing with customers.
I have been an AANR member for six years and have become very passionate for the organization, I believe I have helped in making people more aware of the benefits that AANR has to offer, especially younger people. I am a tireless volunteer who will bring my knowledge and fresh outlook to AANR. my knowledge and fresh outlook to AANR.
Bob Roche Candidate for AANR Club Trustee Tier 4

Hi, my name is Robert R. Roche of White Tail Resort and I am running for Club Trustee of ANNR and would appreciate your vote. I have held offices of Vice President and Trustee of AANR; President, Vice President and Director of AANR-East. I received Man and Member of the Year Awards. I also received the Lifetime Achievement Award. I served for 15 years in the US Navy and I am a Vietnam Veteran. I founded, own, operate and President of White Tail Resort since 1983. I have extensive experience with AANR and ANNR-East.
I will continue to use my extensive Nudist, Association, Resort Owner and Hospitality Industry experience to help develop AANR as a business Centric Organization, dedicated to expansion of membership, meeting AANR Mission Statement goals with a commitment to superior service for family-oriented nudists.
I am committed to effective recruitment and retention of Generation X, Y and young families into AANR. My successful leadership in financial management, membership growth, government affairs, association experience, 33 years establishing and growing one of the premier clubs in AANR-East.
Please vote YES for proposition 1.
NO for proposition 2. Refer to the Con Statement by Ricc Bieber, AANR-West Director. I totally agree this is a bad proposition for AANR.
Margie Cantlon Candidate for AANR Club Trustee Tier 6/7

I have been a member of AANR for 25 years, and a life member for 10. I’ve been a rank and file member, committee chair, and now am a club co-owner.
My first club was Kaniksu Ranch, which I joined in 1993, and am a member today. I was PR chair for a year and published the Kaniksu Post for 3 years. My late husband Chas and I chaired two Naturist Gatherings at Kaniksu, and booked the concerts for one AANR-NW convention.
The next club I joined was the Montana Naturist Organization. I was a founding board member and remained a member for several years. After moving to Idaho in 2008, it was not possible for me to attend MNO events, so I let my membership drop.
In 1998, when fellow Kaniksu members purchased the property that was to become Sun Meadow Resort, I joined the large group of volunteers who helped build the resort. In the beginning, the idea was to give Kaniksu members a place to go in the off season, and that is still one of our goals.
Before becoming an owner of Sun Meadow Resort, I served as Sun Meadow director for one or two AANR-NW board meetings, and I chaired the 2007 AANR-NW convention at Sun Meadow.
In May of 2008 Chas and I partnered with Mike and Terri Capshaw to purchase Sun Meadow Resort. As a team we have hosted two AANR conventions, one Naturist Festival and two Naturist Gatherings, and except for Christmas week, we have been open continuously since we moved in. We are slated to host the AANR convention again in 2019.
I am the AANR-NW scholarship committee chair, a post which is very important to me because I believe it is important to support young nudists. I also joined the board of the AANR Education Foundation for the same reason.
I have attended several AANR convention meetings, and listening to those conversations has motivated me to add my voice and abilities to the conversation. I hope to help make AANR relevant to its membership, to help AANR membership grow, and to come up with ideas for attracting young families and young adults to look into social nudism, to give it a try, and to join our family.
Nudist Properties for Sale
HOUSE FOR SALE in NUDIST PARK. Rare opportunity to purchase a home in Tiger Mountain Nudist Park located in Issaquah, WA. This 2-story, A-frame w/metal roof, 2+ bedroom house was built in 2002. All amenities, partly furnished. Indoor and outdoor shower! House has lots of privacy, large parking and a storage shed in back. Enjoy sweeping mountain views and hiking trails out the front door. Asking $259,000 firm. Email, text or call us for more information, photos or appointment to see the house. Email: MarjorieM425@gmail.com or phone/text: 425-657-8639 ===================================================================================================================
- Karaoke – 7:30pm – LARC
- Activities – Lake Bronson
- Shareholder’s Meeting – 10:00am
- Theme Potluck – 6:30pm
- Potluck Patio Party – 4:30pm – Sun Meadow Resort
- Activities – Willamettans
- Water Volleyball – 1:00pm
- Karaoke – 7:30pm
- N.I.F.T.Y. Swim – 7:30pm at Templeton Pool – N.I..F.T.Y
In the Northwest 05/04/2018 – 05/10/2018
- Cinco de Mayo Dance – LARC
- Activities – Lake Bronson
- Theme Potluck – 6:30pm
- Cinco de Mayo Dance – 8:30pm
- Activities – Sun Meadow Resort
- Potluck Patio Party – 4:30pm
- Cinco de Mayo Celebration and DJ Dance
- Potluck-Movie Party – 6:00pm – SLUGS
- Activities – Willamettans
- Water Volleyball – 1:00pm
- Big Screen Music Night- 7:30pm
- N.I.F.T.Y. Swim – 6:30pm at Templeton Pool – N.I..F.T.Y
Sunday – World Naked Gardening Day
- Ladywell’s Spa – 6:00pm – SLUGS
- Activities – LARC
- LARC Beautification – 9:00am
- Dance – 7:00pm
- Meetings, Meetings and more Meetings – Kaniksu
- Activities – Lake Bronson
- Theme Potluck – 6:30pm
- Ship Wreck Dance – 8:30pm
- Activities – Sun Meadow Resort
- Pickle Ball Tournament
- Potluck Patio Party – 4:30pm
- Aaron English Concert
- Spring Fling Weekend – Willamettans
- Snack Shack
- Sunshine Cafe
- Karaoke – 7:30pm
- N.I.F.T.Y. Swim – 7:30pm at Templeton Pool – N.I..F.T.Y
- Outside Games – 2:00pm – LARC
- Activities – Sun Meadow Resort
- Camp Cleanup
- DJ Dance
- Rich Goetz Memorial Bocce Tournament
- Potluck – 6:30pm
- Party Lane Progressive Dinner – 4:00pm – Lake Bronson
- Spring Fling Weekend – Willamettans
- Snack Shack
- Sunshine Cafe
- Breakfast – 8:00am – LARC
- Ron Sackmann Memorial Golf Tournament- 10:00am – Lake Bronson
- Spring Fling Weekend – Willamettans
- Snack Shack
- Sunshine Cafe
Send your articles or ideas for articles to nudenews@aanr-nw.org