Northwest Nude News 10/10/2013
This week in the Northwest
Bare Bowling – Hidden Springs
Halloween DInner/Dance -Mountaindale Sun Resort
Black Tie DInner/Concert with The Duet (formerly known as Bottom Line
Sun Meadow Resort
Canadian Thanksgiving Potluck – Lake Associates Recreation Club
Fall adopt a highway cleanup with free lunch – Sun Meadow Resort
“Naked & Scared Challenge” – Too scary for PA??
Last week, a haunted house operator in Pennsylvania planned, as part of
this year’s scary offerings, to offer the “Naked & Scared Challenge”. In
this option, patrons could go through the haunted house nude. This
seemed like a great idea and would be a lot of fun. AANR contacted the
operator to offer its support. Unfortunately, the owner informed AANR
that the naked challenge was cancelled due to local government pressure
and concern that law enforcement could shut down his entire operation.
A vocal minority has imposed its will on so many others. Close minded
individuals have made a decision for everyone else. AANR will be
commenting in the various media outlets that are covering this story.
This event reinforces the need for AANR to get beyond the “walls and
fences” and educate the general public about social nudism.
*/What’s happening in your club or in the news? Send information to