AANR Election Time
With your May bulletin, you will get your AANR ballot with instructions on how to vote. To be eligible to vote, you must have been an AANR member on March 31st of this year.
All of our incumbent officers are running unopposed. Our regional trustee, Kathy Smith, is also running unopposed. However, there are several contested elections: Group 4 Club Trustee and Group 6/7 Club Trustees. There are also four motions to amend the bylaws.
Two years ago, the Northwest had the largest turnout of all of the regions for the election, just over 10%. While that is in keeping with other membership organizations, we can do better. This year, let’s redouble our efforts and make a difference. (To be transparent, I’m in one of those contested elections and would like to see lots of voting happening).
The voter’s guide for this election is at http://www.aanr.com/blog/welcome-to-the-2016-aanr-voters-guide/.
The Nude News will publish any reasonably sized statements from any of the candidates in one of the next few week’s issues as well as explanations of the proposed legislation so that we can all make informed voting decisions.
But, please take the time to vote. It will be as simple as logging into the voting site and pushing a few buttons. Easy to do. Worth the effort.
AANR-NW Board Meeting
Several important legislation changes were decided at the Spring AANR-NW Board meeting at Sun Meadow earlier in April.
- There will no longer be a convention fee charged for attendees to conventions.
- From now on, there is no longer a minimum length of time required before a scholarship can be applied for. However, the length of AANR membership of the student’s parent (or the student), will be considered during scholarship evaluation.
In addition to having a great time, the board made changes to be responsive to the needs of our membership.
- Ladywells Spa Night – 6pm – SLUGS
Send your articles or ideas for articles to nudenews@aanr-nw.org