Summer Fun – Save The Dates!
It getting close to time to hit the beaches for beach cleanups and activities! This is a save the dates notice…more details to follow.
July 8-Rooster Rock State Park 10-1pm hosted by Mike Parker AANR-NW Public Lands Stayed tuned for details.
August 26-Rooster Rock State Park 9-Noon AANR Dog barbecue from noon to 1:30. Hosted by Shirley Gauthier AANR-NW Government Affairs Chair
August 26-Beach volunteer appreciation free dinner hosted by Mountaindale Sun Resort. Free day fees, use of pool and hot tub. Want to camp overnight? Camping fee will be charged.
August 27-Sauvie Island work party 9-noon hosted by AANR-NW Government Affairs Chair Shirley Gauthier.
Mike Parker-Public Lands will announce another Sauvie Island beach cleanup once the water goes down.
Questions? Contact
Mike Parker-Public Lands
Shirley Gauthier AANR-NW GA Chair
Sun Meadow Resort Community Gathers to Celebrate Easter
by Margie Cantlon
The 15th annual Easter celebration at Sun Meadow resort was a joyful gathering of the Sun Meadow community, led by Margie Cantlon and Terri Capshaw. Those gathered shared songs and inspirational messages, accompanied by AANR-NW President Dave Smith on guitar and autoharp, and Kathy Smith, AANR Member Trustee for the Northwest Region, on piano.
Messages of grace resonated, and it was especially poignant for the nudist community. Grace means letting go of what doesn’t matter and focusing on what does, and when nudists shed their clothes, status falls away, and the community gets down to what is important: how we serve one another and make each other’s lives more meaningful. It takes grace for different people to live together, and the nudist community is a place where all people can find acceptance.
Guests visiting Sun Meadow resort for the first time often remark that what stands out for them is the sense of community they feel. This is what most people at nudist communities experience. It takes community to make it work. Political leaning, sexual preference, religious affiliation, profession, etc. become immaterial in the nudist environment.
Kathy Smith tells of her first nudist experience at Kaniksu Ranch, where she had a tour, and then took off her clothes. The breeze on her skin and the friendly people at the pool made her feel so comfortable and welcome that she has been an active member of the nudist community ever since that day. This is not an unusual experience.
The bottom line is that nudists are nice people, and it takes nice people to build a meaningful community.

Calling All Authors
If you have published a book and would like to us to publish some information about it and a link to it in the next Nude News, please send information to We would like to help you get the word out.
Nude News Schedule Update
The next Nude News will be published in three weeks, on about May 11, then it will switch to its summer schedule of every week.
In the Northwest 04/21/2017 – 04/27/2017
Saturday – World Nude Gardening Day
- Meet and Greet Campfire – 7:00pm – – LARC
- Movie – 8pm – Sun Meadow Resort
- Activities – Willamettans
- Facilities Meeting – 5:00pm
- Executive Board Meeting – 6:00pm
- Fireside Chat – 6:30pm
- Karaoke – 7:30pm
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