Hi fellow nudists,
If you are going to be on the Big Nude Cruise, please stop by and say hi. My husband and I will be in cabin 2252. Also, there is going to be a NW Meet and Greet on our first day at sea from 1:30pm – 2:30pm. Be sure to come and meet friends and get back into contact with others from the Northwest. Other regions will be having their Meet and Greets at other times, which will be listed in the schedule.
Don’t forget, we are going to skinny dip together on July 13th. What a great way to celebrate Nude Recreation Week with our fellow nudists at TNS, as well as to get positive publicity! Encourage your club to participate.
Now for a more serious matter, I also have a challenge for you. AANR-NW membership is down 4.5%. Our percentage loss was the greatest of any of the regions. We need to find a way to turn this around. What can you do to help your club and AANR grow? Will you call some of your friends that no longer belong and urge them to come back? Do you have any ideas? If you do, bring them to your club boards. If it is something that the region can help with or if you want to share a great idea, send me an email. We want to stop this decline and we need your help to do it.
Naturally Yours, Karen Lahey president@aanr-nw.org ==============================================
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