Housekeeping Works Overtime and Other Confessions From a Nudist Resort

Hidden Beach Resort ( was featured in Yahoo Travel this week.
“Housekeeping Works Overtime and Other Confessions From a Nudist Resort” ( )” by Jordi Lippe” is a lighthearted and balanced article about experiencing a nude resort.

The Rules are:

  • It’s Not All About Sex
  • Don’t Expect To Find a Date
  • There was Once a Naked Plane (Yes, a Naked Plane)
  • Housekeeping Works Overtime
  • We Know When It’s Your First Time
  • You Have to Follow the Rules
  • Whatever You Do, Don’t Say Nudist Colony

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The Photographic Nude 2015

February 14th – April 4th, 2015
Juror: Robert Gojevic of Blur Magazine
Deadline, January 4, 2011

LightBox, in Astoria, Oregon, welcomes submissions to The Photographic Nude 2015, a juried exhibit exploring the artistic and creative view of the body and it’s form. This exhibit celebrates the nude in photography, welcoming the timeless elegance of a classical study as well as alternative and provocative styles. Studies of the whole or partial human form, nude or semi-nude are eligible.

Robert Gojević will be the juror for this exhibit. Robert was born in 1968 in Zagreb, Croatia, by profession a painter and graphic designer, he is the founder and chief editor of the international photographic PDF magazine BLUR magazine. Robert has been active in photography for more than 15 years using various techniques, from digital, analog, instant, pinhole and wet plate photography.

Call for Submissions webpage (

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Earth Goddess at Sunset

The Springfield Arts Commission invited one of the Willamettans to display some of his photographs at the Springfield City Hall Gallery. His works should be of particular interest to our members. Don’s photos are nudes, both in the studio and in nature, and his model is an AANR-NW member, and a long-time nudist.

The prints will hang in the gallery through January 1st. “Earth Goddess at Sunset” won the Arts Commission prize in the 2014 Mayor’s Art Show.

Regular gallery hours are: Monday and Tuesday, 8am-8pm; Wednesday and Thursday, 8am-6pm; Friday, 8am-5pm; Saturday, 10am-5pm; Sundays, closed.

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Help AANR Protect What You Love

Dear Members and Friends of AANR,

Public acceptance of nude recreation as a personal choice has never been so high. It is because of the support of members and friends like you that AANR is able to increase social awareness and acceptance of nude recreation.

Major media outlets now feature nude recreation as a legitimate recreational choice due, in part, to AANR’s efforts. AANR has also helped change the viewpoint of elected officials and government agencies. Over the years, we have differentiated ourselves from the adult business industry, and we are recognized as a strong voice for social family nude recreation. Affiliation with AANR has enabled many clubs to get building permits, liquor licenses, and sometimes to be allowed to exist. It is important to ensure this trust is not jeopardized.

On your behalf, AANR regularly:
* Monitors and responds to legislative threats, provides guidance and assistance to nudists, lobbies lawmakers regarding matters of importance to nudists, and provides support to coalitions in beach cleanups to show that nudists are good stewards of public lands.
* Promotes public awareness, acceptance, and understanding of nude recreation
* Maintains a yearly presence at the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) where more than 1,000 lawmakers gather each August and regularly descend on AANR’s booth to snatch up coveted lapel pins and literature.

As the new year approaches, we are already planning for 2015 to better serve you:
* An inaugural Unity Conference in February to bring together nudist and naturist organizations for discussion and brainstorming about issues of importance to all.
* New government affairs software, CQ Roll Call, to help track legislative bills. This new software provides better information and allows AANR to quickly respond to legislative alerts that might impact our right to be nude.
* The return of Community Awareness Teams (CAT) so volunteers can assist in being the eyes and ears of AANR in their local communities.
* The return of the World Record Skinny-Dip during Nude Recreation Week in July. We’re hoping this event will break all our previous records!

We rarely ask you to donate to help the cause, but your donation – as little or as much as you like – will help AANR continue to gain ground and be a powerful voice for nude recreation.
Please click here to donate now *…)

Thank you in advance for your generosity and ongoing support.
Let’s make 2015 the best year yet for nude recreation!


Beverly Price, AANR President

Contributions to the organization are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.

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Nudist Wish List

While you're shopping at Amazon, don't forget to set the AANR Education Foundation as your smile charity and start your shopping at

It's that time of the year again.  It's time to figure out what to give your favorite nudist.  Here are a few things I'd like to find under my tree.

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National “Coming Out Day” Just Think About It

The year was 1972 and I was a young wife and mother. At the time I was fortunate to live on a United States Forest Service compound at Steamboat Ranger Station next to the North Umpqua River. Some of the best skinny dipping in the entire world!

Neighbors Jim and Liz would mention going camping near Eugene every other weekend. At the time we were all on limited budgets and I found it insane that they would leave some of the best free (at the time) camping area in Oregon to drive to Eugene. After my curiosity and numerous questions wore them down they shared that they drove to a nudist resort in Marcola. My thought process went into overdrive and I imagined all sorts of craziness. Skip forward past the roller coaster ride type of indecision to my first visit to the Willamettans Family Nudist Resort better known as The Willies. I knew at the time that I had stepped into a world of pure comfort and life changing.

After purchasing my American Sunbathing Association membership (ASA) I traveled to Fraternity Snoqualmie to attend a convention. I remember thinking as a TV news reporter explained that my face would not be shown on the news “what do I care I am way up in Washington.” After the convention I returned to the Willamettans to spend a couple days. During a volleyball game someone yelled “Hey Shirley you were just on the local news.” It was not long before extended family living in the area spread the news.

Skip forward to the days where I listed my volunteer work with The American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) on my work applications at Target, Sony Disc Manufacturing and Value Village known as Savers in some areas. I have attended Chamber of Commerce, Oregon Tourist Bureau, City Council, County Commissioner, Oregon State Parks and other meetings as a member of AANR. Shoot I rarely get an eyebrow lifted at the mention of being a nudist. The shock value of the past is long gone.

I would much rather be the one to share my membership in AANR than have my employer, neighbors or family hear about it from others.

Why do I feel safe outing myself? I give the credit to those nudists who in the past worked so hard to dispel the stereotypes, break ground and create safe places to recreate nude. I credit today’s volunteers, members and AANR staff who do not hide behind anonymity. To business owners who provide me a safe and comfortable venue to enjoy family nudism. To AANR members who value the struggle and work that continues to be addressed and purchase memberships.

Everyone who chooses to protect their anonymity behind first names and perhaps nicknames on social media have their reasons and I can respect that. But let us give thanks and show appreciation for those that are willing to take the risks involved in gifting their anonymity to moving nudist rights forward.

I recently attended the AANR Fall Board meeting in Las Vegas. I was in attendance as an AANR member who traveled on my own dime. As I sat and observed AANR members from all regions go through a period of discussion, compromise and conclusions I was impressed with the procedure and accomplishments.

A group of AANR volunteers, who spent countless hours preparing, who gave up a weekend of their time, purchased their own meals and sat in a cold meeting room for hours on end. What was their true gift? They also gave up their anonymity years ago.

Frequently I am asked why I don’t participate on several of the nudist social media sites. The anonymity of the site members who post and have chosen to remain anonymous is huge. I find it very difficult to give credibility to an anonymous poster.

In short I wish everyone who continues to maintain their anonymity would at least acknowledge that anonymity in part is like a road block to moving forward.

I would like to suggest that AANR have a national nudist coming out day. It could be very much like the “Gay” community who provided a day of support for their family, friends and loved ones to move beyond the fear and be recognized. What a Public Relations success this could be.

Thinking out loud,
Shirley Gauthier

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Rooster Rock-Earth Day – April 25th

t’s time to save the date April 25th for the Rooster Rock State Park Earth Day tree plant.
Rooster Rock State Park Ranger Glenn Littrell wrote “I just want to give you all a heads up that our 2015 Earth Day Tree Plant will be Saturday April 25th from 9 am -2 pm. We will be planting in other areas of the park since the A-1 area we have focused on for many years is fairly well covered.”
Jeff Snyder of Lava Nursery is once again generously donating a variety of 400 conifer trees.

While this is not a clothing optional event it is a great time to participate with your entire family or friends group. In the past we have enjoyed working with several community groups and it is surprising how quickly the trees went in the ground.

AANR-NW holds the Rooster Rock park adoption through the Oregon “Adopt-A-Park” program. If resorts or clubs would plan to make this one of their events it would be very helpful in maintaining our adoption agreements.

If you would like additional information or have questions contact Shirley Gauthier –

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2014 AANR-NW Fall Update Call

AANR-NW will be having a group conference call next Sunday, 11/23/2014 at 4pm. Club Presidents, directors, officers and chairs have been sent invites. Even if you have not received an invite, you are welcome to join us. Just email for an invite.

We have a few topics to discuss
– Background checks. Can we band together for better rates and service?
– Advertising credits
– Nacorba
– Outcome of Fall AANR board meeting
– Would it be ok if we are willing to host the aanr-florida website? They are willing to pay us.
– Online Nudescene
– A chance to talk with one another

Please let me know if you have anything else you want to add.

There may be a lot of people on the call. It is an ‘opportunity’ to see if we can handle a large call effectively.

Feel free to let me know if you have questions or concerns.


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Recap of the 2014 AANR Fall Board Meeting

by Sharon McLeod

The weather in Las Vegas, where the 2014 AANR board meeting was held, was mild and inviting. But your AANR board wasn’t interested in the weather. In fact, they were hardly aware of it because their attention was focused on the issues facing AANR today.

Immediately following last summer’s convention, the President appointed teams that examined and analyzed issues identified by the former Executive Director (ED). The teams presented their conclusions and recommendations at this meeting, and your AANR board made decisions regarding these initiatives:

Adult clubs: The former ED eagerly advocated including clubs that want to pursue sexually oriented activities in AANR, feeling that this would increase membership and, especially, revenue. The team concluded that this approach does not match AANR’s core values, which are clearly expressed in AANR’s Bylaws. The team acknowledges that AANR messaging to the public often looks remarkably similar to that of entities pursuing sexually oriented activities. The team recommended that AANR revisit core values, and then create short- and long-term goals based on those values. The messaging that grows out of this work will differentiate AANR and its clubs from these other entities. The Trustees recommended the formation of an ad hoc committee to do this work.

Carver model: The former ED, a certified Carver trainer, strongly recommended that the AANR board adopt Carver, a well-known governance model used by many non-profit organizations. The team quickly realized that, to properly do their job, they needed to examine multiple governance models to determine the best match for AANR. The team determined that AANR currently uses a constituency model, but doesn’t use it well. The team ultimately recommended that AANR continue operating under the current model and provide training to the board in being more effective under this structure. The Trustees voted to establish an ad hoc committee to identify a facilitator to do this training.

Name change: The former ED advocated a name that would dominate the nudist/naturist marketplace. The team recommended that AANR first determine their direction going forward. Only then can decisions regarding whether a new name is warranted and a name that reflects the new direction. The team pointed out that any name should be inclusive of more than just “America.”

Trade Association: Changing AANR’s structure was essential to implementing many of the ED’s other initiatives, and would provide a foundation for AANR to provide revenue-producing services to clubs. The team detailed current AANR club benefits that could move under the trade association, should it become a reality.

Facility: The former ED recommended that AANR sell the headquarters building located in Kissimmee, Florida and relocate, preferably to a nudist venue. After thoroughly examining this multi-faceted issue, the team recommends selling the building. The board will rely on research by staff regarding the best approach to take in this endeavor.

Pricing structure: The former ED pleaded to reduce the number of membership types available to AANR members and to standardize the cost of regional memberships because of confusion, increased chance of errors, and increased cost to enhance and maintain the computer code that supports this. After analysis and discussion, the team recommended a simpler slate of membership costs with price based on a calculation of basic membership plus regular cost-of-living adjustments.
In addition to addressing the former ED’s initiatives, the board:

Decided against producing an updated Park Guide until further investigation is completed.
Approved capping the Life Membership fund and putting the excess in a Capital Improvements fund.
Because the board spent only one day together, they were incredibly focused and tenaciously on-task. An unexpected but pleasing product of deliberating and deciding AANR’s future was increased cohesion and respect among members of the board.

Next steps include further research for some issues, and implementation plans for others. Stay tuned for updates on your AANR Board’s next actions.

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What are you thankful for?

Thanksgiving is either in a few weeks (if you live in the US) or it was a few weeks ago (if you live in Canada). So here’s the question: As a nudist, what are you thankful for? Send your answers to with a note whether you want to be identified or not. They will be compiled in the Northwest Nude News sent out on US Thanksgiving. Let’s see how many different things we can be thankful for. As the editor, I will be thankful for help in writing copy for this newsletter.

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