Annual Newsletter Awards Competition Submissions Due May 1, 2011

Annual Newsletter Awards Competition

Enter your club newsletter in the AANR Northwest Newsletter Awards Competition and you may win a plaque for display at your club and a certificate for you. Plus, you will receive the judges’ critiques to help you to improve your newsletter. Two awards will be given: one for the best landed club newsletter, and one for the best nonlanded club newsletter for the previous year. (Duplicate awards will be given in case of a tie.)

To enter the competition: 1. Submit three different issues of your newsletter, published between last May and this April. 2. Submit three copies of each issue. 3. Include your name and contact information and send to the address below. For your submissions to be judged, we must receive them on or before May 1. 4. Mail your submissions to: Gail Nussbaumer PO Box 943, North Plains OR 97133.

Other things to know: 1. Newsletters shall be judged according to the criteria published in the AANR Northwest Procedure Manual. 2. Winning newsletters will be announced during the awards part of the annual convention. 3. All participating editors will also receive certificates plus the judges’ comment sheets, to assist them in improving their newsletters. 4. Awards will be given only to AANR Northwest clubs, but other Northwest-based nudist groups may enter on an exhibition basis.

Deadline for Submissions – Mail for Receipt by May 1

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