Oregon Clothing Optional Beach Cleanups
These legally clothing optional beaches are near Portland. We have a commitment to two beach cleanups at each beach each year. Please come and help fulfill this commitment, while having a lot of fun.
The final 2016 Oregon nude beach clean-ups will be on September 24 and 25. Weather is supposed to be in the 70s Saturday and higher 70s or low 80s Sunday. The Saturday, September 24 one will be at 10:00 a.m. at Rooster Rock State Park. This is a clothing optional event, if you are cleaning in the nude area. It is suggested that you wear shoes and bring sun screen. Hats are also recommended if it is very bright. Bring work gloves if you have them. All tools and clean-up bags will be furnished. We will be working with the Rooster Rock park staff. The Park Ranger Supervisor will have a list of projects that includes light to heavy work. Volunteers do not have to pay the day use fee. Tell the person in the registration booth (if manned) that you are there for the clean-up. When registering, you will receive a card to put in your window. Meet at the east end of the parking lot near the restrooms. This should not last longer than around three hours, and will be followed by a hot dog barbeque. AANR-NW will provide cold water, sugar free lemonade, hot dogs, buns and trimmings and some dessert snacks. Please do not leave any items visible in your car. The only restrooms accessible from the nude beach are located near the parking area.
Sunday, September 25 – Sauvie Island-Collins Beach – clean-up at 1:00 p.m. – A parking pass is usually required and can normally be purchased at the store or deli after crossing the bridge to the island. SOLVE again was able to get us some free day-of-event passes for those that volunteer. Restrooms are close and located in the parking area. We will concentrate our efforts on the gravel road parking area and litter sweeps of the beach area. Meet on the beach near opening marked #3 (second clothing optional opening). A hot dog barbeque and potluck will be held at around 3:30 p.m. Contact publiclands@aanr-nw.org for further details on these events and on how to get a Collins Beach parking pass.
Please see the following links to sign up on-line.
Rooster Rock (9/24):
Collins Beach (9/25):
Eastside News Readers’ Choice Award – Correction
Last Week, the Web Address for the Eastside News Readers’ Choice Awards that was published for the The Eastside News was incorrect. The correct address for voting for Tiger Mountain Family Nudist Park is http://www.theeastside.news/vote . Their category is “Fun Things to Do”/”Local Attraction”. Please visit their site and show the east side of Seattle how popular Nudism is and how serviing Nudists is good for business. For those of you that tried to vote last week, please accept our apology and try again.The Readers’ Choice competition runs until October 9th.
Thank you to all for pointing out this editorial error.
Reminder – AANR-NW Fall Board Meeting
The AANR-NW Fall Board meeting coming up on October 7-9 at Sun Meadow Resort. Come and find why AANR-NW Board Meetings are a lot of fun!
- Weekend Activities LARC
- Breakfast – 9:00am
- Canadian Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch – 3:00pm
- Potluck – 6:30pm – Sun Meadow Resort
- Activities – Willamettans
- Breakfast – 8:30am
- Work Party – 9:00am
- Movie – 8pm – Sun Meadow Resort
- Activities – Willamettans
- Facilities Meeting – 5:00pm
- Dinner – 6:00pm
- Fireside Chat – 6:30pm
- Full Moon Saloon – 7:30pm
- Karaoke – 8:00pm
Send your articles or ideas for articles to nudenews@aanr-nw.org