The Nude News will publish any reasonably sized statements from any of the candidates for AANR office in one of the next few week’s issues, as well as explanations of the proposed legislation, so that we can all make informed voting decisions.
But, please take the time to vote. It will be as simple as logging into the voting site and pushing a few buttons. Or filling in a ballot and mailing it. Easy to do. Worth the effort. The voter’s guide for this election is at
Vote for Karen Lahey for Club Trustee
I am running in one of the two contests that have competitions in this year’s AANR election and I ask for your vote. Please also pass on this information and ask your friends to vote for me as well.
I am running for Club Trustee for club tiers 6-7. Club Trustees are elected at large across all of the regions and represent clubs of different sizes. Tiers 6 and 7 are the two smallest tiers. I have served as the AANR Northwest President for the last four years, the maximum allowed. While president, I had the privilege to work with the AANR board on several committees as well as participating in the AANR board meetings and conventions. I have become familiar with the AANR officers and the other trustees, as well as getting to know the presidents in all of the other regions. I know that I can work effectively with our board and contribute to AANR in many concrete ways.
- I have ideas that I want AANR to explore: I would like to find ways for us to be able to let all members renew automatically. It is much too easy to forget to renew. I would like to find a way to count all AANR members in new clubs towards their minimum counts in order to make it easier to get new clubs started. Being able to facilitate new clubs would give AANR a way to better serve nudists in underserved areas. I would like us to simplify our membership strata so that it costs our office less time in keeping our data updated.
- Having been a software developer since 1972, I have significant technical skills that I am always wiling to donate to AANR. For example, I am the author of the first AANR Android App,
- I have many years experience collaborating on teams and exploring new ways to improve collaboration.
- .I am a finisher. When I take on a task, I follow through and get the job done. One example is this newsletter that you are reading. I am the person that has been writing and publishing the Nude News for the last several years.
I have a website that has my resume and my candidates statement. It can be found at
Vote for Brenda Spangler for Club Trustee
Hello to those of you in the Northwest. My name is Brenda Spangler and I am running for Club Trustee for a final term. I would like to have your votes and encourage all of you to vote. I feel we have a good board and I am pleased to have Karen Lahey running for trustee. Thank you for your vote.
- Ladywells Spa Night – 6pm – SLUGS
Memorial Day Weekend – United States
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