AANR-NW will be having a group conference call next Sunday, 11/23/2014 at 4pm. Club Presidents, directors, officers and chairs have been sent invites. Even if you have not received an invite, you are welcome to join us. Just email president@aanr-nw.org for an invite.
We have a few topics to discuss
– Background checks. Can we band together for better rates and service?
– Advertising credits
– Nacorba http://www.nacorba.org/
– Outcome of Fall AANR board meeting
– Would it be ok if we are willing to host the aanr-florida website? They are willing to pay us.
– Online Nudescene
– A chance to talk with one another
Please let me know if you have anything else you want to add.
There may be a lot of people on the call. It is an ‘opportunity’ to see if we can handle a large call effectively.
Feel free to let me know if you have questions or concerns.